Some of our dreams for the future are to provide you with downloadable resources to equip you for your worship journey with the Lord. Pray with us to that end. You may order books via Amazon from this page. Browse the opportunities below and may your praise always be by REVELATION!
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The first revision of the Revealed Praise Manual in over 10 years. New cover, graphics and an entirely new never-before-released chapter on praising Him by a Biblical revelation in the DANCE! It is more powerful than you know! See below.
Revealed Praise
~ Establishing A Levitical Ministry Foundation In The Local Church
Raved about by both Pastors and Worship Leaders, this Eleven Lesson Worship Workbook opens a powerful door of insight for the worshipper and worship leader alike. The book lays out in detail the Biblical basis for how to raise up and apostolically establish the foundation of a New Testament worship ministry in the local church, by a revelation of the word of God
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For More Information or to hear an audio clip of the Revealed Praise Teaching : Click Here
Worship In The Dirt
~ A Narrative on the Third World Worship Experience
. . . But, God was going to use Joe to introduce me to something so life-changing that it would revolutionize my appreciation for worship. Joe was going to take me out of the cities of Africa into the remote villages, where there were no utilities, no facilities, no comforts; where the worship experience was raw and pure; where the people of God worship in the dirt…
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Kindle Version also Available